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    PLC Logic GATE Program

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    Write a PLC Logic GATE Program for the below plc example.

    Logic GATE Program

    Write a program that ANDs B3:0 with B3:1 when I:0.0/0 is energized, ORs B3:0 with B3:1 when I:0.0/1 is energized, XORs B3:0 with B3:1 when I:0.0/2 is energized and COMPLEMENTS B3:0 when I:0.0/3 is energized. B3:1 is to hold the result in each case.

    If more than one input I:0.0/0-I:0.0/3 is energized, only one of the operations will be performed.

    The precedence order for operations should be from AND (highest precedence) to COMPLEMENT (lowest precedence).

    PLC Ladder Logic


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